Prayer every Wednesday at 11:00am
Bible Class held Wednesdays 12:00 Noon & 7pm In the Sanctuary
The 7pm class will also be live streamed via Facebook.
We also have many services archived on YouTube. Go to our subscribed YouTube channel, type Greater Grace Temple Taylor in the search box to view services.
For all church emergency messages such as church closure or cancellation of services, you will receive a text alert message. Please make sure you’re connected. Information on how to connect can be found on our Facebook page.
Please remember the church with your financial support. You can give by clicking on the Online Donation Box at the bottom of this page, by calling the church at (313) 295-4472 to give by credit/debit card or the Givelify App on your cell phone.
The church office is open Monday through Thursday from 10am until 4pm.
Let us all pray for those who are sick and shut-in.
Please be safe and stay prayerful.
God bless you all!!
Bishop Gary Harper, Pastor